'Devices for Gathering'  
Paper, plastic sheeting, pen. 75cmx50cm
It is not about the Avocado
 Utrecht 2014
A small scale solo show where  participation is invited by providing a 'telepathic device' to enable the viewer to become part of the work which consisted of several sculptural objects.
The 'scene' is based on personal experiences, memories and the banality of daily life. It is presented with the intent to share an event and provide an experience for the viewer rather than just a visual event.
Adventures of an Avocado
Paper, plastic, thread, pen, 60cmx35cm
Zipped or Zapped
The 'Scene'
Telepathic Devices
Wood, tape, carton, elastic, paper, pen, plastic ties, 12x various sizes
Counting Avocados
Cardboard, paint, wood, glue, tape, pen, pencil plastic- 1200x70cm

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